Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Legend of Two Doors

So there I was after a night on the lash with work before sat of the john emptying the contents of that McDonalds we stumbled into at a time god only knows.
There was no knock at the door, no polite excuse me. Just a "oi you in there?"
My response to the blatant obvious "yeah" a rather short and sweet reply. Not once did it cross my mind to how these two intruders gained access to my room.
Their voices closed in but not quite into the bathroom only the hallway in safety away from the smell of the night before.
"You having a shit?" their voices echoed.
"Yeah" again I provided a short reply.
"Err you've left the door open."
"What are you doing in my room?" clearly I had no idea regarding the security of my room.
"You left the door open and you've left the bathroom door open" obviously they had not come across a person with enough confidence to poo with the door open.
"So" to me there was nothing wrong here.
"But you've left the doors open whilst having a shit" they although disgusted made themselves comfortable waiting for me to finish.
With each turd dropping into the water the occasionally sigh of disgust would come from their mouths.
As I finished I entered the room all of us unable to maintain a serious look. We overcame with laughter, I clearly had no idea I had left the door open, they clearly had no idea I was having a shit. Who was at fault you'll have to be the judge of that. All I know is that event gave birth to the legend of Two Doors.

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